8-4 Play

Impressed with the dioramas in Fantasian, we work together to construct a faithful replica of the 8-4 office. We spare no detail, including our fridge in the state-of-the-art podcast wing filled with tiny Chu-hi!

Time – Topic Discussed:

01:31 – Nicknames
14:21 – Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
24:26 – Monster Hunter Rise
27:04 – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
31:42 – Fantasian
40:32 – Dragon Quest X
41:59 – No Man’s Sky
52:03 – News: Nintendo Indies Announcement, the latest Sony happenings, and more!

Direct download: 8-4Play_285_210416.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26am EST