Fri, 29 June 2012
Come for the talk about 3DS XL, Xbox 720, Lollipop Chainsaw, Tokyo Jungle, Persona 4: The Golden and more -- stay for a deep, deep dive into the minds behind Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP on the eve of its Japanese release (being handled by...hey, whattaya know?! 8-4!) |
Fri, 15 June 2012
A massive, 3-hour E3 recap lovefest, where we have nothing but great things to say about the amazing press conferences, creative and fresh AAA games, awesome Vita support, stunning WiiU launch lineup, and every other wonderful-funderful thing about gaming's greatest trade show ever! <3<3<3 |
Fri, 1 June 2012
Ex-Capcom producer Ben Judd joins the 8-4 crew aboard the E3 Hype Train, fueled not by Dew, but by wild thoughts and oddly-specific predictions (some already proven wrong!) on what we'll see from Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and all the major third-parties at the big show this week, plus impressions of Sonic 4: Ep II, Dragons' Dogma, and news.. |