8-4 Play

Persona 5, Dragon Quest 7, Dragon Quest 10, Destiny: Rise of Iron, Gravity Rush 2, modern retro gaming 101, NX rumor roundup, and more!

Direct download: 8-4Play_164_160930.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07am EST

8-4 Play 9/16/2016: TOKYO GAME SHOW 2016

Yakuza 6, Persona 5, NieR: Automata, Final Fantasy XV, Vakyria: Azure Revolution, Musous on Musous on Musous, VR at TGS, School Girl/Zombie Hunter, PS4 Pro, Super Mario Run, and lots more from this year's Tokyo Game Show!

Direct download: 8-4Play_163_160916.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46am EST

Nintendo Direct, Nintendo Direct, Nioh Beta, Nintendo Direct, Dragon Quest VII, Justice Monsters V, Shining Force II, Nintendo Direct, Persona 3, Pokemon Go, Nintendo Direct, and more! Also: Nintendo Direct

Direct download: 8-4Play_162_160902.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34am EST