8-4 Play

With Gaming Jesus bedridden from an evil GDC pox and both JJ and Hiroko fighting off the flu, we thought about taking the week off. But then, like an angel from Heaven above, our intern showed up at the door with three pre-release copies of Kid Icarus: Uprising, and all the pain and suffering went away. Listen to a half hour's worth of spoiler-free discussion on the 3DS's first major release of 2012, along with follow-up thoughts on Journey (also spoiler-free!), quick impressions of PixelJunk 4AM and Lollipop Chainsaw, some scattershot news and GDC thoughts, and more talk from Hiroko than you've heard in the last 10 episodes combined.

Direct download: 8-4PLAY_043_120323.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12am EDT

Internet sensation David "CheapyD" Abrams returns to the show for a truly rare event: we actually played some games! Tune in to the first segment for impressions of Journey, Asura's Wrath, Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy, and Level-5's Girls RPG, plus thoughts on the new iPad, Valve's rumored (and then debunked) "SteamBox" console, Phil Fish and Keiji Inafune's feelings about Japanese games, and more. Then stick around for the second segment for a quick burst of fresh-from-YouTube commentary on Sony's "PS Vita Game Heaven" video barrage! (One word: PSO2!)

Direct download: 8-4PLAY_042_120309.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07am EDT