8-4 Play

The hype train has once again departed for parts unknown, but there's still plenty of E3-related goodness to discuss in its wake. Join us as we tear through all (OK, most) of the games announced at this year's show with the usual mish-mash of thoughts and impressions on everything Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony had to offer.

Direct download: 8-4Play_184_170623.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04am EST

It's E3 time again! Join us as we walk through all the major conferences, make some terrible predictions, miss out on numerous big announcements that happened after we recorded (Bubsy? Really?!), and more! #E3HYPETRAIN

Direct download: 8-4Play_183_170609.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53am EST