8-4 Play

Everyone's playing it! Everyone's talking about it! It's this fall's hottest game! It's...Bravely Default: Flying Fairy?! ...Uh, okay, sure, why not! We breakdown Squeenix's excellent new 3DS RPG, then chat about continuing adventures in Dragon Quest X, PSN store stuff, Zynga, Kevin Butler, Thriller Instinct (that's right), and more, with a brief detour into old-school Nintendo Power with former editor (and current 8-4 collaborator) Alan Averill

Direct download: 8-4PLAY_060_121019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:56am EDT

Barry? Where's Barry? Who knows. But the internet's biggest Resident Evil fan, Alex "cvxfreak" Aniel? He's right here, talking highs and lows (and lows...and lows...) of RE6 for a solid hour. (That's almost 15 minutes per point it got on many review scales!) But first: Kokuga, DQX, To the Moon, Earth Defense Force 3 Portable, Wii U-pdates, Nintendo Directs, and various Monster Hunters ('natch).

Direct download: 8-4PLAY_059_121005.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24am EDT