8-4 Play

The 8-4 gang goes all Project Icebreaker on Camouflaj's Ryan Payton to dig up the dirt on Kickstarter, Republique and the 8-4 bump, Diablo 3, Soul Sacrifice, Capcom's DLC woes, the appeal of DOTA2, the rise and fall of the “Comp Gatcha”, E.X. (or ex-?) Troopers, Devil's Third, and bacon-loving twitter bots.

Direct download: 8-4PLAY_047_120518.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:09am EST

17-Bit's Jake Kazdal joins us to talk Phantasy Star Online 2, Shinji Mikami's return to survival horror, Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Crown, Dragon's Dragon, Tokyo Jungle, Soul Sacrifice, yay or nay on CoD: Black Ops 2,  and what it’s like to start and run your own indie game studio.

Direct download: 8-4PLAY_046_120503.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:49am EST